Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Gluten Free Peach Cobbler

This is more of an FYI than a real recipe. I think the real recipe is on here, a little ways back, but I made a very important discovery, if you are a GF family. I made a very divine peach cobbler that I learned from my friend Jannda, and I used a GF cake mix and mixed it with the brick of cream cheese until crumbly and it was awesome. I was a bit apprehenssive about this, but it worked really well and was super yummy. So if you were curious to know if you could go GF with the mix, I used the new betty crocker one, you can and it is great. There are a zillion recipes out there for cobbler topping, but they all involved a lot of work and a lot stuff some of which I did not have, so the cake mix was a huge time (and though it cost nearly $5!) a money saver too.

1 comment:

AMPM said...

Sounds tasty! Was it good enough for gluten lovers? I hate making enough to feed 12 when it is for only one person.